Today Jason and I wanted to get the handrails reinstalled as soon as possible while it was still cool outside in the morning!  We started with the starboard side and prepped the surfaces.

3 spots to do here

Next all we had to do is apply the sealant and bolt everything together! The hardest part was having to yell at each other from inside the boat to outside.

Now the galley won’t leak anymore!

Unfortunately, after we got this side installed it started to rain.  Since we can’t install new sealant on top of wet wood, we couldn’t install the other side.  We took a lunch break and ran to the store to get some parts in the hopes that the rain would stop.  We got back and it was still sprinkling a little bit, so Jason went outside to install the main navigation display on the console.

isn’t that fancy looking!
Nice cover and everything!

While Jason was doing that, I was in the lazarette cleaning up some wiring and installing the autopilot controller.  It’s a mess in there!

This is actually already cleaned up quite a bit… more tomorrow!

Unfortunately, it started pouring rain… so we gathered all the tools and retreated inside the boat! I decided it was time to install our water filters and UV purification system!  The water tank shouldn’t ever get too nasty (I hope!) and the entire system has a sediment filter on it. So why UV? The goal was to essentially have a “pure water” faucet in the galley for perfect drinking water and water for coffee etc.  Most boat water tastes a little funky from sloshing around in a tank and if we’re living on this thing I don’t want funky water! The ultraviolet light in this system will kill any bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants that might get through and make us sick!  We have an additional filter located before the UV unit and a remineralizer filter after it to make the water extra delicious.

<more info!>

The new unit is super tiny!
mineralizer filter on top to the faucet and sediment pre-filter below!
We even got a fancy new faucet just for this!

I couldn’t finish the install because I need some more tubing, but overall I’m happy with the location and it should work great. Anything for delicious coffee! 🙂