We started running communication wires from the instruments in the mast aft to navigation station area.  I figured that would be as good a place to start as any!

They have special tees. You can’t splice these!

Jason turned on the system when it was halfway hooked up and tested the display at the nav station.  It works!!!

bottom left corner!

Jason started working on installing the 12″ display behind the steering wheel, but realized that the piece we bought for that was wrong. So we have to exchange that one before we can finish that part!  He then moved on to install the other 2 displays at the forward end of the cockpit.

We’ll have to patch that hole later
Fancy covers.
The back side of that is in the galley behind a nice little panel

That took most of the day.  However there was some extra time that I took to raise some more of the electrical wires and plumbing up off of the deck so I could clean and so it wouldn’t get dirty and gross again.

Doesn’t look like much, but this was way more gross earlier.

Parting shot of the boat.  Can’t wait to get the transom painted soon and then we can put the name on her!

Pretty girl!