When we got to the boat this morning it was actually overcast and cool and nice outside…but by the time we hauled the galley cabinet down to the stands below the boat it started to rain.  I thought I could put a tarp over it and just keep working, but I was wrong and the wind just blew the rain right into where I was working.  All I got done outside was sanding and then we just put the cabinet back inside the boat.  I have JUST enough room on the floor to set the cabinet down there on some plastic and paint. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with the big cabinet, but now both of them at least have the same amount of paint on them.  I did find out that adding thinner to the paint makes it work a LOT better in the Florida humidity.  It looks like I’m going to have to relearn how to paint now that I’m not in the cool Pacific Northwest anymore.

Looking pretty nice!
Glad I had that plastic sheet laying around!

The white paint is starting to look really nice! I can’t wait to get them put into place in the galley!

After the rain started and I filled 1/3 of the boat with wet paint and all of the boat with paint fumes, we decided to just call it a day and head home.  After a few hours of messing around on the internet researching projects I don’t need to start yet, we went to the store and got craft supplies and 2lbs of shrimp.

Holes are cut and it’s ready for clear coat!
We even ran by the storage shed for some stuff to sell on craigslist and a box of stuff to sort

Jason bought the cats some tilapia to eat to get them used to eating raw fish for when we leave on the boat. I think they’ll be ok!

Happy boys!

Jason slaved away at the stove and whipped up some camarones a la crema because we didn’t have tortillas.  I have chosen well! 🙂

Every bit as tasty as it looks!

We also arrived home to yet another Amazon box in front of the door! The light fixtures on our boat are from 2001 but look like 1991… they’re ugly, square, and made of fake wood paneling.  Hideous! We looked around for reasonably priced options and didn’t find much, but amazon had some that were bright, cheap, and shiny metal.  I figured if we got some and didn’t like them, we can just return them!  Well, they arrived and they’re a lot nicer than I thought they would be!  The metal is thick and shiny and the shades feel like real glass.  They should modernize the interior of the boat substantially!

Looks like a good project for tomorrow since it looks like it’s going to be rainy again…