Since it’s going to be in the 90’s again, I started my day with the outside stuff and got the new exhaust tubing safely zip tied in place.

screwed in place

This stuff is hard to bend!

It does block some of the opening
This shelf will eventually house our new refrigerator and freezer compressors

That took only a few minutes, but I forgot the cutters for the tails on the zip ties so I’ll have to go back and finish that up at some point.

Jason and I went over to check on our neighbor’s boat.

SV Janet is doing well!
Hey! I can see our boat from here!

Now that it’s blistering hot outside (that took like an hour… meh) Jason and I retreated back into the “air conditioned” interior of our boat.  Jason is working on mounting the batteries and making new battery cables and I am working on finishing the insulation in the engine compartment. (still… it’s a slow process apparently) I put 2 layers of insulation on the roof of the engine room and made a perimeter out of plastic to hold it all up.

It’s hard to hold this stuff up

I think that looks pretty fancy!

I’m still not done though.  I have to reinstall the light in the overhead and add some more insulation where it’s fallen off elsewhere.  Although, mostly I just have a little more insulation sheeting left and I’m going to use all of it!

While I was fighting with this (it’s hard to screw through soft foam with lead in the middle) Jason got his battery cables made!


There’s an asinine amount of spare room in the battery box now.  My plan is to put the electrical specific tools and spares and tie them in there with the batteries in a canvas bag.  Seems as good a spot for them as any!

While out driving around I saw this sign.  The grammar makes my brain hurt.

for to go!

It finally got too hot in the boat to work (my personal limit is 83 degrees…) so we headed over to the parent’s Airbnb and crashed at their fancy pool!

Palm trees and a fountain!

Have to get my pool time in today before it’s all too crowded over the weekend.  Also, we have a new saw and a new sheet of marine plywood that will be tomorrow’s project…