Today was HARD! I had a vague thought that I might try to ride a century. (that’s 100 miles in one day for you non-biker types). Turns out that wasn’t going to happen.  It ended up being a day full of an amazing downhill descent from Bryce to Zion, however it also ended up being exceedingly windy.  I ended up making it to 67 miles with a few rides in the van along the way.  A tad disappointed in my lack of mileage but seeing as that was 7 miles above my previous personal record, I really can’t complain.  Especially given how FREAKING AWESOME the ride was.  Seriously.  I think the reason I have so few photos from today’s ride was just the pure visual overload.  I just wanted to pedal my bicycle and soak it all in.

The first part was a super fun paved bike path through red canyon.
The first part was a super fun paved bike path through red canyon.
Entrance to Zion.
Entrance to Zion.
Checkerboard mesa.  See how the patterns in the rock make it look like a checkerboard?
Checkerboard mesa. See how the patterns in the rock make it look like a checkerboard?
Neat looking bubbly rocks
Neat looking bubbly rocks
Nothing but blue sky and red canyons
Nothing but blue sky and red canyons
It was like looking at a string of postcards for a few hours in a row.
It was like looking at a string of postcards for a few hours in a row.


I had to carry her up a rock to get this shot. Worth it.
I had to carry her up a rock to get this shot. Worth it.
In front of Zion Arch. Way larger than it looks in the picture.
In front of Zion Arch. Way larger than it looks in the picture.
Family and new found friends
Family and new found friends
Another beautifully paved traffic-free bike path
Another beautifully paved traffic-free bike path
View from our hotel room.  Not too shabby!
View from our hotel room. Not too shabby!
There were cacti blooming all over the desert this week.  There were pink blossoms as well, but I didn't find any of those when I had my camera handy.
There were cacti blooming all over the desert this week. There were pink blossoms as well, but I didn’t find any of those when I had my camera handy.

Zion national park is adjacent to the town of Springdale, UT.  Both the town and the park have a network of free shuttle buses that make scheduled stops along the main drag through Springdale that made exploring this cute little town really easy.  There were more than a couple bike shops, outdoor stores, and quaint little restaurants jam packed onto the main street.

Counter at the bike store.  I should have bought a hat or something. Maybe next time.
Counter at the bike store. I should have bought a hat or something. Maybe next time.
Clown sticker at the bike shop. I liked the color of the door the most I think.
Clown sticker at the bike shop. I liked the color of the door the most I think.
They were selling these wind ornaments on every street corner.  They get spinning pretty good sometimes!
They were selling these wind ornaments on every street corner. They get spinning pretty good sometimes!

I think the Majestic View Lodge was my favorite hotel of the trip. Maybe I was just super tired, but the beds were amazing and the hot tub had an out-of-this-world view of the mountains.  Today was some of the most fun I’ve ever had road biking. Can’t wait to come back out here and do it again sometime!