Nirvana was the very first model that I met up with from my new facebook group, so it was great to get to work with her again! We went down to the park to try for some cherry blossoms but they were all long gone.  We made do with some rhododendrons instead.



My favorite shot of this set for sure! love that moody lighting!

The pink blur on the left is from a flower I picked up off the ground.


Black and white because reasons

We had a blast playing in the flowers but eventually moved on to a different tree and a jean jacket for a different look.

Her hair is the same color as the flowers!

I put my new wide angle lens on and tried some different angles to see what we could come up with.  I think it worked pretty well!

Nirvana and I both prefer weirder pictures than your standard shot of “pretty girl in front of pretty background” so we did a few shots of her laying in the grass (avoiding the dog poop!) looking like a broken barbie doll. Kinda quirky but I dig it!

lovely shadows
Through the flowers

This Camaro pulled up on our way back to the car.  She made a wish for one! 😉