As usual in the Pacific Northwest it was rainy, dark, cloudy, and awful outside when Chelsea and I wanted to do a photoshoot before I left the state for good! There are a series of Youtube videos (and THIS POST) about doing shoots in “shitty locations” as a challenge.  I like challenges and Chelsea didn’t mind dressing up fancy to go to Home Depot.  We definitely *did not* look suspicious.

Our first stop was the outdoor area because they had baby cherry trees.  The buds were too small to really register and the tags on all the trees really got in the way, but we did get one shot outside!

Blue eyes.

I was most excited about the lighting section and had visions of grand chandeliers and Chelsea’s beautiful sequin dress.  Apparently only tall people are allowed to look at the lighting that’s for sale because it was all super high and we had to make due with the one that hung low or I had to shoot up Chelsea’s nostrils to get the lights in the background.  That’s not always a flattering look! I hated the look of the boxes in the background, so I did some photoshop magic to make them go away and pretend I brought my tiny fairy lights to the hardware store to create this look in camera.

This turned out super pretty!
So dramatic!

Also… Home Depot has like thousands of employees whose only job is to stalk customers around the store.  (although where do they go when you actually need help, I wonder?) We made a quick 30 second stop in the window and door area and snagged this shot!

Framing! (see what I did there?)

Not gonna lie, orange is actually my favorite color, so we had a blast on the stairs and the forklift.  We had to make this quick too because they really don’t like anyone touching these things, but Chelsea pulled out a string of stellar poses. Nailed it!

It was getting pretty close to time to go, so we finished up inside and were on our way to the car when I noticed the huge concrete columns that support the covered parking area.  I positioned myself where they overlapped and there was nothing distracting in the background and had Chelsea do her thing.

We were here!

Overall I think we nailed it! The challenge was mostly in finding a background that hid the fact that we were in a lowes.  I now have inspiration to shoot in an actual lighting supply store! We passed one on the way home that looks like it would be amazing!