After snorkeling the airplane crash, Jason and I dropped everyone back off on the boat and we took the dinghy around to the other side of the island to hunt for lobster.  This meant Jason was in the water diving and looking for lobster with his spear pole while I idled around in the dinghy making sure he didn’t get hit by a boat or eaten by a shark.  Because idling is stupid and wastes fuel I turned the engine off and was holding the boat in place by paddling it like a paddleboard.  Exercise is fun, right? Well… joke is on me because the piece of crap outboard engine on the dinghy wouldn’t restart so I had to keep paddling… Jason actually had some success catching lobster and wanted to try for a few more but it was all I could do to paddle the boat against the wind and waves to keep it close enough.  Eventually he deposited his last lobster in the boat (actually, in the anchor locker because we didn’t bring a bucket…) and we tried to start the engine to get back to the boat because we were actually quite far away.  It wouldn’t start… but at least now I have help paddling!  Did I mention how hard it is to paddle something that’s like 3′ wide and only has one functional paddle? I was exhausted!  Jason did get the motor running at idle so we could get a little closer to the entrance of the anchorage and hope that the current would pull us in.  One more little complication was that the wind, waves, and current had created an area where the waves were all jumbled up.  Jason and I essentially went white water rafting in our dinghy through the waves and current. I haaaaate rafting! ..but we lived.  Eventually Jason got the motor idling while I paddled to assist and we successfully made it back to the boat! Everyone rejoiced at the haul of lobster with no realization of the struggle it took to get the darn things! I think dinner that night was various types of leftover pasta with lobster chunks in them. They sure are good fried in butter!  After dinner we watched the moon rise over the islands and I slept very well indeed!

Full moon over the island
Row of boats

Jason stole my camera and tried to take some low light photos of the other boats and the blue glow from the back of our boat. It was really dark!