The Exumas are pretty much the exact opposite of Washington State. Up here if you’re not in at least 200′ of water you’re definitely on a rock.  In the Exumas the total depth doesn’t go over 20′ and it’s all sand except for big heads of coral scattered around at random.  Needless to say, this coral is full of tropical reef fish! We snorkeled so much!

This first location was at a very small bit of coral next to the boat.  I just wanted to play with my camera and get used to being in the water with it again!

Row of grass in the sand
Not so impressive

School of yellow fish!
These guys are everywhere!

The next spot we snorkeled was actually a designated snorkel area on the map! It was a huge coral head and it was covered with fish!

Flamingo tongue snails! Love these!
Finally got a good shot of an angelfish!
They’re so colorful!

Wish I had time to go back for more shots! There were so many fish! This was my first dive with my new underwater lighting.  The strobes are bigger than the ones I usually use and I didn’t realize how much more drag they would have under the water! I need some more practice!