It’s been a few weeks at least since I returned from Sasebo Japan.  I immediately started working on editing my photos on my laptop, and then promptly forgot my laptop on the sofa only to remember it this morning realizing that I still had photos on it. Whoops! Life happens, I suppose…

I didn’t really feel like doing much on our day off of work, so I slept in a little bit and then met up with Yuli to go wandering. After walking through the park and around town for a while Yuli wanted to climb some stairs and get a view of the city.  After letting my legs and lungs recover (note to self: go hiking more) I realized we were at this lovely red shrine.  Rashell had been talking about a shrine in the area and I think we just found it!

Stairs to the temple entrance
Low angle shot
Down the hall to a room where people were praying
Stone arch
Paper tied to a tree. I’m sure there’s a reason for it, but I don’t know what it is, unfortunately.
I really wish I knew the purpose of all of these things.
Dragon fountain!
I really liked the dragon fountain. It was cool.

The shrine wasn’t really very large, so it only took us a little while to check it out and take a few pictures.  Upon further review of google maps there are quite a few little shrines and temples scattered around Sasebo! Next time I might take a hike up to a few of those more off the beaten path!

After this excursion, Yuli and I were ready for dinner so we headed back to the hotel through the Ginza mall.

Come here for dates!!! 😉 Made me laugh. lol