I heard about this little gem of a waterfall from a random coworker on Friday afternoon.  Turns out there was a pretty nice waterfall not even 20 minutes from the house and I had never heard anything about it!  Jason and I didn’t have a lot of time to go play this Sunday so we decided to head up and check it out! The parking area is huge and obviously very new, as are most of the trails.  The waterfall was easy to find and even had a really nice bridge across the creek.  Honestly, it was way better than I was expecting! I’ll have to bring the crew out here to shoot sometime soon!

My favorite
Lots of gnarled roots

Reflections in the pond on the way back

Jason came along with his camera as well and since I’m a nice wife I let him use the 16-35mm wide angle lens.  I ended up using probably my 3 shittiest lenses: Minolta MD 50mm, Spiratone 135mm, and the Rokinon 12mm fisheye. Which is hilarious.  Either way, I can’t believe this is so close to the house and we’ve never heard anything about it until now.  Better late than never! Who wants to go on a photo walk with me?!