I made a previous post about some new editing techniques I’ve been trying and showed the view from the window of my hotel in Yokosuka, Japan. I brought my tripod on this trip specifically to walk down to the pedestrian bridge over the highway and get some long exposure photos of the light trails made by the cars.  However, I forgot to take into account how freaking tired I am after a day of work and never ended up actually making it down there.  I did take a few more shots out of my window though! (it’s convenient and kept me entertained on those early jet lag mornings…)

A little different with just yellow and black
A darker version of the technique I tried to replicate earlier.

Another interesting thing that happened on this trip was that it snowed.  This doesn’t seem like a bit deal, but apparently it’s rare to get snow right here on the coast and it was coming down HARD.  Essentially it was a Yokosuka blizzard.  We found the closest dinner place we could and braved the driving wind and snow to get to it.  There ended up only being a few inches on the ground in total, but that’s pretty brutal when the trains can’t run, there’s no road salt, and Japan is really fond of very slick tile.

The snow blurred into a fog in the photos

A much darker edit. It looks like a video game.
Maybe my favorite shot.