We made it to the island of Raiatea and settled into our hotel for the night.  We were all set to pick up the boat the next morning! Unfortunately, I caught the 24 hour bug that Rashell had earlier in the week and woke up puking.  Awesome start to our boat trip. :/ Luckily our hotel room was available for another night so I spent the rest of the day laying in bed under the gloriously amazing air conditioning.  No complaints really, since being sick on the boat would have been even worse. We did learn something about foreign medicine: they don’t have the same “all in one” medicines that we do (all I wanted was Nyquil!), so I ended up with cough syrup (the good shit!), throat lozenges, ibuprofen, and a separate nausea pill.

Spent a bonus day lying right here. Glad they had wifi.

Jason got the boat all checked out even without my help. (Glad he’s so competent!) and eventually we were all up and ready to head out!

The dock at Uturoa
Fancy interior!

Our plan was to take the boat to Bora Bora today, but the wind wasn’t quite right (or strong enough) and we didn’t think we would make it there before it was too dark to safely enter the lagoon and anchor.  We cut out losses and anchored up on the island of Taha’a instead. Along the way we got to experience our first rain storm.

Cliff face next to a little village
I love the contrast between the thunderstorm and the bright teal water

Overall today was a bit of a shit show as we got settled on the boat, arranged our stuff inside, finished provisioning, learned how to sail the boat, etc.  We will see more tomorrow!