In what has been a depressing streak of consistency, I’m a few weeks behind on my photo challenge again.  I’m also full of excuses that really don’t matter in the wake of my own laziness.  The challenge for week 44 was “spooky”, just in time for Halloween!  However, I didn’t do anything at all for halloween.  I had plans to take halloween themed photos with my black cat, but since I’m notoriously lazy and cats are notoriously hard to wrangle, it didn’t happen.

I wanted this:

So much fall!

I ended up with this.  Note the Christmas tree.

Yeah. at least the wall is orange…


However, since he’s a black cat I suppose he could be considered spooky by nature.  If he weren’t so large and dumb.

Thats…actually pretty useless

He’s also spooky because he likes to get into things and you don’t always notice he’s in there…. like the christmas tree bag. It took maybe 15 seconds for him to climb in there to check it out.

so festive.

The other cat isn’t spooky at all. He’s fluffy and cute and precious (and he knows it!).  However he does like to lay in completely ridiculous in the way places and it’s startling when you trip over him because he’s laying in the middle of the hallway.

Middle of the floor as usual
What a terrible little hider.