Downtown Bend is so cool they have art and coffee shops in the alleys!  Seriously, this place has amazing food down every street.  (one of the reasons we stay here!) It’s like taking one of the neighborhoods of Seattle, kicking most of the people out, and having it within walking distance for your own personal entertainment.  I did actually manage to not buy anything this time! (besides coffee, because that doesn’t count!)

Art installation in the alley. Coffee shop is across the street.
Old car
Cool little Scion speedster
Same alley as before, but lit up and reflected in a puddle because “art”
The peanut-mobile parked across all the handicapped spaces at our hotel! Super random.
Little road bike
Chandelier at breakfast.
Shadows on the steps
Works GP! I want one of these.
Like a regular Mini, only awesomer.
Coffee and bikes!
Everyone rides bicycles here pretty much everywhere.
Googly eyes on a post!