For some reason I keep bringing my bigass camera and full size lens with me while mountain biking…because carrying sensitive electronics where they can get smashed and covered with mud and dirt is always a good idea… However, I do actually sometimes drag it out of my backpack and take pictures of people actually riding their bikes.  😉

Obviously, I’m not going to have my camera when we’re doing the exciting parts of the trail, so these photos don’t really represent the excellence that is Bend’s mountain bike trail system.  (go here!!!)  I also forgot all the names of the trails. Here ya go!

Obligatory handlebar shot!
Open trail through the trees
More handlebars to prove I was there.

View from the top of one of the trails.
It was snowing in this photo. Seriously.
Dwayne LOVED the downhill. Need to take him to Stevens Bike Park

Glamour shot at Phil’s.
Jason descending
So extreme, much wow.
Jason being a badass again. Mostly he knows how to pose with the bike when I’m taking his picture. My training is complete.

As usual, I didn’t get any photos of myself on my bike. We will just have to go back! 😉