This weekend was mostly used recovering from LAST weekend, mountain biking (not a very photo friendly activity), and working on our land.  Needless to say, I didn’t get a whole lot of photos taken this week.  The challenge was “dinner”.  Those of you who know me  in person are pretty painfully aware that I hate to cook and am actually fairly awful at it. Something about hating to follow directions…


So yeah… Dinner…. bring it on I guess.


That’s a potato with Jason’s vegetable knife I brought him from Japan.  Folded stainless steel with the maker’s mark stamped into it. Super cool and super sharp. It’s amazing he lets me play with it.  The knife is way sharper than my photo.


This is a Kiwano.  (according to my google search for “yellow spiky fruit”) Cam bought it as tribute after tearing up blackberry bushes all day.  It was unfortunately not very tasty.

Wikipedia link to info


Green on the inside with seeds like a pomegranate. None of us predicted that. Most of us chose the green guacamole that was also available instead.