For some reason I haven’t been real interested in cars or hot rods lately and even missed my annual car show.  However, while we were down in Gig Harbor I wanted to shoot all of the cars. I have a new 70-200mm lens and sat down at a corner park bench and practiced panning for a while.  I might be inspired to do more automotive photo shoots again.  (if you’re interested, call me!)

I love the new Jaguar F-Type
Lucky shot of a Mustang
Porsche for sale.
Subaru WRX outside a restaurant
Hot rod
Big tires
Corvette. One of many, but the only one I got a decent photo of.
Cute little Fiat? Volvo? I have no idea.
Saab? Apparently I’m too lazy to google it.
Of course there were motorbikes!

One thing I may have failed to mention up front is that we arrived in Gig Harbor by boat! I never really realized how MANY boats there are here.  There are easily twice as many marinas here as there are up in Poulsbo and since it was a holiday weekend, there were boats anchored everywhere there was available space.  Gig Harbor has a long history with boats and boatbuilding.  Needless to say, I got quite a few boat photos this weekend as well!

Big beautiful boat with a big beautiful “for sale” sign!
A legit old tugboat. I love the nose high stance. She looks like a hot rod!
The pilothouse of our boat with my new fisheye lens.
People working on their boat at one of the many shipyards.
…absolutely no alcohol in this photo… at all…
People launching kayaks from the beach
Paddleboarding with his dog
Paddleboarding at sunset. Also with a dog.