Some of you may have noticed that “hey, I haven’t been getting Underkill blog updates! What’s the dealio?!” Well, not only did I go on a mini vacation, but the site also took a complete and utter shit and was down for a few weeks.  Since I spend all day sitting at a computer, the last thing I want to do when I get home from work is to do the exact same thing here and try to figure out how to fix the settings on the blog and make it work again. Essentially, I threw a hissy fit and ignored the problem until it magically fixed itself and here we are.  I feel like that’s not a good life lesson, but it seems to be working pretty well for me so far!

Due to the aforementioned server fiasco I’m now totally behind on my photo challenges.  Not that that’s anything new since they’re pretty much ALWAYS late at this point.  Either way, the theme of week 25 is “summer.”  After the completely shitty rain-filled winter we’ve had up her, summer couldn’t come quick enough.  We’ve finally reached the part of the year that Seattle is NOT known for: months of completely dry sunny weather.  It was amazing just being able to go outside and not be cold. I even wore shorts and sandals! What novelty!

For our little mini vacation, Jason and I kidnapped Rashell and took the boat about an hour North to the little Norwegian-inspired town of Poulsbo.  Our plan was to anchor out in the bay, take the dinghy ashore to explore, and just generally relax on the boat.  Mission accomplished!

Colorful kayaks in the water
Red phone booth we found while walking around downtown
Forget about all responsibilities because we’re on a boat!
Time to read books!
So many coffee shops!
…and it’s hot enough to want an iced latte!
Outside dining
Poulsbo marina from the bow
Steering wheel
Boat friends rafted together
Fishing and adventure
Colorful candy

Another interesting thing that happened this summer so far was our discovery of a tiny bird nest in mom’s plants on the front porch.  I had a blast watching my little baby birds hatch and turn into actual little feathered friends.  Much to mama bird’s chagrin I went and got my big macro lens to get some closeup pictures of the babies. Super cute!

There were 3 of them!
Sleepy little birds