I woke up this morning to catch the tail end of the sunrise at Sucia island.  There wasn’t a lot of color, but the clouds had an interesting pattern and shape.  My parents came with us for part of the trip, but decided that they had had enough fun and were ready to go home.  We had originally planned on heading over to Stuart island today for some hiking, but plans are easily changed and we motored on over to Friday Harbor instead.  Truth be told, it never occurred to me that Friday Harbor would actually even have an airport, but we pulled up directions and started walking to it.  After months of whining that it was cold and rainy up here in Washington, we were now whining that it was hot and sunny.  There’s no pleasing us apparently.  Also, the passenger terminal for the airport is at the opposite end of the runway from the road that takes you through town. It ended up being quite the hike!
The airport itself is suitably tiny.  There was no security to speak of.  I can only hope the pilots ask for ID before they let people on the plane.  The parents booked a flights through San Juan Air and then we all hung around in the waiting room that consisted of a space with a coffee pot and a few couches.  Overall it was probably one of the nicest airports I’ve been to in a long time and a LOT less hassle!  The flight was late because they were waiting on the pilots to finish what they were doing on another island and land on this one with the plane.  Either way, I think mom had a good time on the little plane and I imagine that the flight from the islands back home to Port Orchard was pretty scenic from above.
Good morning Sucia!

Fishing at sunrise
Neat condos in Friday Harbor
Randomly artistic traffic cones are my favorite!
Bird on a fence
San Juan Island Airport
Mini plane hanging inside for decoration. The real ones don’t look much bigger.
Random plane. I love shooting planes! They have interesting lines.
Goodbye Parents!
That doesn’t look shady at all…

They arrived home safe and sound! Now Jason and I will have to cook for ourselves and try to not kill the cats. 😮