So last fall I get this wild urge to landscape the front yard. Mom humors me like she usually does and we end up at the local plant store browsing the overwhelming rows of foliage in search of the perfect tree.  Good thing we got a big cart, because mom and I are apparently compulsive shoppers.  Mom loves plants, and I can’t make a decision so I just get them all.  (not like the yard doesn’t need it!) Either way, we end up in the very back of this place and it’s nothing but different types of trees.  Not being a Washington native, it doesn’t even occur to me that there are cherry trees here until I see a little grouping of them. Jackpot! I WANT ONE! They’re super pretty and I need that sort of thing in my life.  The friendly salesman (who must have seen us coming a mile away…) points out one that’s “got a nice shape”. I, personally, thought it looked a little funky since it had two big branches on it in a big Y shape, but it got put in the cart anyway.  Fast forward to now and the tree held up its end of the bargain and is blooming its little ass off.  I have literally the world’s smallest cherry blossom festival in my front yard. Here’s the photographic evidence of me not murdering a very attractive tree: