Our tour through San Jose was on a nifty double decker bus.  I’d never actually been on one before, so that was neat.  It was cool to be up above traffic and have a better view of the city. I, of course, used this opportunity to snipe photos of pretty much every possible interesting thing on our route.  I was surprised by the amount of really fantastic graffiti! I love graffiti! Another noteworthy thing that I found surprising was the amount of barbed wire, gates, fences, electric fences, spikes etc that literally every home and business has on their building.  I don’t perceive that Costa Rica has a high crime rate, so I feel like this may just be cultural, but it didn’t go a long way in giving me the warm fuzzies about walking around. Lunch was at a “traditional Costa Rica” buffet.  I’m pretty sure it was just a quick and easy place the guides know of that will get us tourists in and out without much fuss. It was tasty either way, so no complaints.

SOOOOO many cute little bikes that I wanted!
Trash behind a fancy building
I had the fried fish. Noms.
Terrible photo, but San Jose had a Chinatown! That was fairly unexpected.
Out with the old, in with the new.
Sculpture and cherry tree
Interesting texture on this concrete wall
Old fortress

Man playing guitar to entertain us on our bus ride
Bright purple wall
Little critter
Extra wire, because why not.
Buildings covered in paint
Very colorful city
Fancy building that I know nothing about
Skull and rose
Looks like a nice park