I have made it 3 months and 9 weeks into my 52 week photo challenge! For someone who doesn’t stick to anything, I still consider this a success! The subject this week was a “day in the life” which was actually surprisingly difficult.  I can’t bring my camera to work with me, so chronicling my day wasn’t going to work. (Along with the fact that I didn’t want to have to style and organize a series of self portraits again. Those are so hard!) I suppose I took the easy way out and decided to take pictures of my cats. In my mind I would get photos of them jumping and playing and cute little candid shots of them going about their day.  However, they are cats, which apparently means that they sleep a solid 90% of the day and the rest is spent in transit to the food bowl and back upstairs. They were not the most exciting of subjects… but I love them and I’ve run out of time to try another tactic. 😉

This is Dart. (both of my cats are named after muscle cars…) He’s big and fluffy and not very smart a lot of the time.  Also, for those of you who don’t own animals that are black, you should know that they’re very difficult to photograph! The exposure is always hard to nail down.  Dart usually ends up looking like a black blob with green eyes.  Most of my cell phone pictures end up being more of a scavenger hunt of “find the cat in the photo!”

How you doin’?
He ruins all the blinds. Every single one.
Almost sneezing.
Chillin’ on the windowsill where he normally sits while I’m on my computer.

My other cat is named Duster.  He’s cute and he knows it.

Who’s a pretty princess?
Sleeping on the parents’ bed.
Big yawn because life is ever so hard.
Sleeping again in the living room
Getting kind of bored of my shit.
Rough day of sleeping.

