I hadn’t really realized how long it had been since I had updated the main pages on this blog.  My “about me” page was still from right after we moved to Washington!  So I decided to update them all! I may have ulterior motives, however.  Since I first chose the theme for this blog all I wanted on the top was a static intro banner or photo.  Unfortunately this theme is setup for sliders and since I barely passed my one and only programming class, there’s nothing I can do about it. So instead of leaving it half broken, I’m going to add a few more pages for the top to rotate through like it’s wanted to do the whole time.  😉

This is me.  I haven’t always had teal hair.  Last month it was purple.  But you probably don’t care about that. You’re here because you either know me personally and I nagged you to follow my blog, or you’re new and want to know more about the chick behind all the bitchin’ photos!  My original motivation for this blog was to taunt the ever-loving hell out of my friends still trapped over there on the east coast while I explore my new home up here in the Pacific Northwet. I say “new” but we’ve been up here in the land of lumberjacks and Twilight for 7 years now.  “We” usually includes myself, my very patient husband Jason, and our two cats.

Fun fact about the Northwest: if you’re not already outdoorsy, you’re going to be soon!  My current favorite pastime is mountain biking.  No crazy extreme jumps or anything like that, but I do love a good romp through the technical rooty sections that all these big forest trees have to offer.  Jason and I bought a boat last year and are planning on using that to explore the watery parts of Washington and, eventually, Canada! (maybe even Alaska?) You can read more about that here.

Anyhoo, Jason and I are both engineers.  If you’re one also, you’ll know how we’re all slightly broken in a similar manner and we can swap stories of things we’ve taken apart that we couldn’t get back together and laugh about it. If you aren’t, read a few Dilbert cartoons and that pretty much sums it up.  I’m also a gearhead in general.  I used to drag race a Camaro when we lived in Florida and now that we’re finally settled in a house with a garage I’m building a little hot rod truck to terrorize the town in. It’s still not running yet, but that’s a story for another day.

The hobby that I’m currently playing with the most is photography.  I’ve been doing art since I was a kid, but had to put a lot of it on hold in college due to the never-ending need to study so I can pass my classes and not live in a van down by the river.  Luckily for me, it worked and now I have a fancypants big girl job that gives me money in exchange for 40 hours of my soul every week. Whatever works I guess.  Either way, I now have my free time back and can delve back into the creative realm.  And that, my friends, is really what this blog is for.  I’m lucky enough to be able to travel to a lot of cool places either for work or for vacations and I use my photography to record memories of those adventures.  I also strive to improve.  I’m currently working on a 52 week photo challenge amongst other things.  Wish me luck!

One of the new things between when I first started this blog and now is that I’ve faced my life long fear of the water and became a certified scuba diver! I’m not sure what prompted me to conquer the one thing that reduces me to a pile of tears on a consistent basis, but I sure am enjoying it!  Puget Sound is cold, but the marine life is beautiful.  Jason and I recently went on a vacation to Roatan, Honduras just to go diving.  That was an epically great time and one that I hope to repeat sooner rather than later!

So where am I going next? As usual, I have no idea! 🙂



