Friends are family we choose for ourselves.

The subject this week is family and, as I chose to interpret it, the various derivatives thereof.  I don’t have a large family and have never been one to make vast quantities of friends so I prefer to focus my energy and time on the few people who really understand and appreciate me.  So thank you all for being awesome!

Another fun fact you should know if any of you have a friend who is a photographer: if you offer to model for us, we WILL take you up on it!  One goal of mine this year is to challenge myself more as a photographer and one aspect of that is to do more planned photo shoots and portraits.  That is why I found myself over at Jessica’s house last Saturday with a box of camera gear and a latte.  My plan was to do a similar shoot to what I experimented with in my self-portrait photos and see how that worked out with another person.  I consider it a success!

First up are the shots with the colored lighting. I just think these are super fun and I really enjoy playing with all of the colors!

Red and green. Fitting for my redheaded, green-loving friend!
This one has a funky 60’s vibe to it for some reason.
Moody glance into the distance.


For the rest of the photos I turned on my fancy new remote flash and got to work! Let it be known that Jessica smiles in literally every photo unless told otherwise. She’s a smiler! I have two settings: idiot grin dorkface or serious smolder. 😉

Natural shot by the window
Charlie of course!
Jessica and Tomei (very interested in something outside the window!)
Light and bright
Moved the lighting around to the side for more drama.
Still all smiles!

We both had a blast doing the photoshoot!  There were homemade lattes and no one had to change out of pajama pants the whole time.  Expect more of these in the future!




