I spend a lot of time on Pinterest and see all of these fabulous holiday photo challenges and beautiful pictures of everyone’s decked out Christmas trees etc.  Last year I took a ton of photos of our Christmas, but this year I guess I used up all my cheer in November.  (The tree went up on Thanksgiving and the presents were wrapped the week after…) I don’t have any cutesy little holiday photos or anything like that, unfortunately.  This post is going to be dedicated to all of the random things that I shot during my Christmas break because it’s my blog and I can do what I want. 😉

Snow on Christmas eve.  The lights are reflected in the window.
Snow on Christmas eve. The Christmas tree lights are reflected in the window.
Winter wonderland.
Winter wonderland.
Redneck Christmas decor because I hate my HOA.
Redneck Christmas decor because I hate my HOA.

My Christmas gift from Jason was a macro lens for my camera.  Yay! So of course I had to take it out and play with it.  Here are some example shots while I learned how to use it! Still a work in progress, don’t judge!

Water droplets on the grill outside
Water droplets on the grill outside
Measuring tape
Measuring tape
Shells on the windowsill
Shells on the windowsill


Red berries out in the yard.  The nature photos are my favorite.
Red berries out in the yard. The nature photos are my favorite.
I like the lighting and shapes from my hanging power cables in the office.
I like the lighting and shapes from my hanging power cables in the office.

Since we wake up at 4:30 for work every morning, sleeping in for me is usually 6:30 max.  This means that I get to watch the sunrise while drinking coffee in front of my computer.  (my favorite way to start the day!) Sometimes we get some truly awesome ones.


Yeah that's just out the back of the house!
Yeah that’s just out the back of the house!

That’s all for now!


