So my friends and I have begun organizing random photo walks to practice photography technique and learn how to use our cameras better.  This is the second one we’ve done and it also took place in good ole Bremerton, Washington.  Nothing like wandering around your boring hometown to make you work for the shot!

Random wall tag made interesting by the texture of the concrete.
Random wall tag made interesting by the texture of the concrete.
Admiral theater neon sign.  I didn't even know this was here. Apparently it's showing "The greatest pirate story ever told".
Admiral theater neon sign. I didn’t even know this was here. Apparently it’s showing “The greatest pirate story ever told”.
I liked the pattern of lighting on this blank wall.  Would have been even more interesting with a person or something in front of it.
I liked the pattern of lighting on this blank wall. Would have been even more interesting with a person or something in front of it.
I was playing with the reflection of the buildings in the cracked paint on the hood of this car. It's an interesting concept but I don't like this particular photo.  I will try this again somewhere more interesting.
I was playing with the reflection of the buildings in the cracked paint on the hood of this car. It’s an interesting concept but I don’t like this particular photo. I will try this again somewhere more interesting.
Nothing says "Bremerton" more than a Corona pail full of water and cigarette butts. LOL
Nothing says “Bremerton” more than a Corona pail full of water and cigarette butts. LOL
The old Roxy theater.  This photo isn't very interesting. I need to come back when the lighting is right and I can get the angle of the buildings right. The harsh overhead lighting didn't really work out how I would like.
The old Roxy theater. This photo isn’t very interesting. I need to come back when the lighting is right and I can get the angle of the buildings right. The harsh overhead lighting didn’t really work out how I would like.
Busted Roxy theater sign. I love rust and urban decay and this photo's got it! I also like the contrast between the blue and yellow.
Busted Roxy theater sign. I love rust and urban decay and this photo’s got it! I also like the contrast between the blue and yellow.
This one is interesting and shows how you can use reflective surfaces to show other parts of the scene that wouldn't ordinarily be in the photo.  Good proof of concept but I'm not in love with the photo.
This one is interesting and shows how you can use reflective surfaces to show other parts of the scene that wouldn’t ordinarily be in the photo. Good proof of concept but I’m not in love with the photo.
I like how this shows only the broken lighting on the awning of the Roxy.  It was hard to isolate enough that there was nothing distracting, but still show enough that the viewer knows what they're looking at.  I also like the red one in the corner. I think this is interesting.
I like how this shows only the broken lighting on the awning of the Roxy. It was hard to isolate enough that there was nothing distracting, but still show enough that the viewer knows what they’re looking at. I also like the red one in the corner. I think this is interesting.
Gears on the clock. Nothing special here, but the sides of the clock frame the internal gears and I liked that aspect of it.
Gears on the clock. Nothing special here, but the sides of the clock frame the internal gears and I liked that aspect of it.
I liked the colors on the piping and the yellow caution tape.
I liked the colors on the piping and the yellow caution tape.
Random piping on the wall. Rule of thirds and some texture.
Random piping on the wall. Rule of thirds and some texture.
Only thing here is texture. I zoomed in quite a bit to isolate the patch panel from the rest of the wall.
Only thing here is texture. I zoomed in quite a bit to isolate the patch panel from the rest of the wall.
This shows how you can use a wider angle lens and perspective to change the feel of a shot. This isn't a portrait of the lamp against the red door.
This shows how you can use a wider angle lens and perspective to change the feel of a shot. This isn’t a portrait of the lamp against the red door.
Vines on a downspout.
Vines on a downspout.
Colorful rust and paint. It almost looks dreamy, which amuses me.
Colorful rust and paint. It almost looks dreamy, which amuses me.
Gritty looking street scene.
Gritty looking street scene.
Interesting looking light  reflections.
Interesting looking light reflections.
Windows and pipes.
Windows and pipes.
Always be on the lookout for repeating patterns.
Always be on the lookout for repeating patterns.
Found some framing for the american flag
Found some framing for the american flag
Bridges, walkways, sidewalks, railing, etc can all be excellent sources for lines of action in a photo.
Bridges, walkways, sidewalks, railing, etc can all be excellent sources for lines of action in a photo.
Nearly dead hydrangeas.  There are 3 of them in a diagonal line which lends some interest to the photo. More than would be there if it was just the one flower.
Nearly dead hydrangeas. There are 3 of them in a diagonal line which lends some interest to the photo. More than would be there if it was just the one flower.
I was laying underneath the landscaping. It was a better idea in theory than execution, but a new perspective is always worth exploring.
I was laying underneath the landscaping. It was a better idea in theory than execution, but a new perspective is always worth exploring.
I love playing with ferns. You can get some good shots in bright daylight by getting underneath them and shooting up into the sun.
I love playing with ferns. You can get some good shots in bright daylight by getting underneath them and shooting up into the sun.
'sup? LOL
‘sup? LOL
Port of Bremerton and the Turner Joy.  I like how this pretty much sums up the whole area in one photo.
Port of Bremerton and the Turner Joy. I like how this pretty much sums up the whole area in one photo.
Some more found framing and fun colors.
Some more found framing and fun colors.
Perspective adds action to stationary items more than shooting them straight on.
Perspective adds action to stationary items more than shooting them straight on.
An old ferry parked at the bremerton waterfront.
An old ferry parked at the bremerton waterfront.
I don't think that anchor will work very well.
I don’t think that anchor will work very well.
Excellent lighting contrast on a random rag tied to the rope...
Excellent lighting contrast on a random rag tied to the rope…
I really liked this part of the ferry.  I should have stuck around longer and taken a few different shots of it.  There's something to be said for shooting fast and loose, but sometimes I need to slow down and really think about what I'm doing a bit more.
I really liked this part of the ferry. I should have stuck around longer and taken a few different shots of it. There’s something to be said for shooting fast and loose, but sometimes I need to slow down and really think about what I’m doing a bit more.
Red bolt. This is simple and interesting.
Red bolt. This is simple and interesting.
Life preserver.
Life preserver.
This was a fascinating old boat.  I would love to go aboard and shoot it for real.
This was a fascinating old boat. I would love to go aboard and shoot it for real.
I like the shape made by the bow of the boat and the anchor adds the interest needed to make the photo work.
I like the shape made by the bow of the boat and the anchor adds the interest needed to make the photo work.
Boring detail of the front of the boat.
Boring detail of the front of the boat.
Using the railing as framing for the boat behind.
Using the railing as framing for the boat behind.
Interesting shapes, but there's nothing here...
Interesting shapes, but there’s nothing here…
"portrait" from the engraved propeller outside the Bremerton Marina.
“portrait” from the engraved propeller outside the Bremerton Marina.
I was drawn to the repetitive blue planters.
I was drawn to the repetitive blue planters.
Big prop. Typical tourist shot.
Big prop. Typical tourist shot.
Statue in Bremerton. I dont like the lighting on this and my zoom is slightly off. I don't like it.
Statue in Bremerton. I dont like the lighting on this and my zoom is slightly off. I don’t like it.
I didn't get my lines straight, but I liked the texture of the peeling paint with the interest of the "reserved".
I didn’t get my lines straight, but I liked the texture of the peeling paint with the interest of the “reserved”.
I liked this pair of old Volkswagens. The red and blue really stand out.
I liked this pair of old Volkswagens. The red and blue really stand out.

Every time is a new learning experience.  We keep finding new alleys and places to walk around.  I don’t think I’ve gotten the same photo twice! Who knows, maybe next week we’ll venture down to Port Orchard instead! 😉