Yesterday’s excursion was to Cold Duck Foot Farm. Hilariously named and owned by my friend Meghan.  She rescues animals, raises chickens, and trains horses.  Neat little place and fun to see it finally!

Not sure it's ever cold enough in Florida for the ducks to get cold.
Not sure it’s ever cold enough in Florida for the ducks to get cold.


One of Meghan's fairly well trained chickens.
One of Meghan’s fairly well trained chickens.
The cute little barn with 3 stalls.
The cute little barn with 3 stalls.
It felt like fall out there.
It felt like fall out there.
Oliver.  He was a big ole boy!
Oliver. He was a big ole boy!
Horses always look so hilarious when they're laying down.
Horses always look so hilarious when they’re laying down.
They see me rollin...
They see me rollin…
She was a pretty girl
She was a pretty girl
My first ride in longer than I care to admit to...
My first ride in longer than I care to admit to…
Not dead yet!
Not dead yet!
...and I jumped something! bareback. with only a halter. Have I mentioned that I've never jumped a horse before? I'm glad she knew what that little fence thingie was for...
…and I jumped something! bareback. with only a halter. Have I mentioned that I’ve never jumped a horse before? I’m glad she knew what that little fence thingie was for…
...and our rather derpy landing. ;)
…and our rather derpy landing. 😉

…and now I want a horse again! Thanks Meghan…. 😉