The Black Point Settlement is like the more cruiser-friendly alternative to the craziness of Staniel Cay. Laundry was the name of the game and they have a super convenient dinghy dock at the laundromat!

A kitty!
We got some lunch while we waited for the laundry to do it’s thing
Hungry kitty!

The head of the bay dries out

Parked in the front as usual!
Goodnight boats!

Onward only had 2 loads of laundry but Sorn had like 8! They spent all day working on that. Jason and I went to the store to see about groceries but the boat hadn’t come yet so I couldn’t find any milk. We walked out of there empty handed! Overall I like Black Point. The shallow bay is beautiful and a great place to relax and there’s enough to do on the island that it doesn’t get boring.