After the strong wind of the storm died down the swell from the ocean started to make its way back inside the anchorage, tossing the boat around. Even though the winds were still in the 20s Jason and I decided to just bail and move the boat south about 5 miles to Staniel Cay so we could get desperately needed groceries and fuel. As soon as we made our way out of Pipe Creek and onto the bank we get hit with a ton of rain, of course. We idled the boat just to pass the time until the rain moved away. Once we made it to the anchorage at Staniel we got hit by yet another little rainstorm and I got to set anchor up front in the rain. The weather really wasn’t with us today! Shortly afterwards though, the clouds cleared off and it turned into a really nice day! Everyone else thought so too and we got to watch the mass migration of other boats from their hidey holes back to the normal anchoring spots. The anchorage went from 3 boats to 30 in what seemed like an hour!

There are little islands on the other side of that rain
I love how bright the water gets when the sun peeks out
Nice sunset!

The next morning we moved the boat closer to town and ran in with the dinghy for groceries and fuel. Jerry cans are way easier for us than docking the boat at the fuel dock so we had already planned on doing it that way. Turns out that was the right choice because a giant sportfish boat was at the fuel dock taking on diesel the entire time we were in town. He must have had 2000 gallons or something. Probably cost more than our boat! We’ve also been out of bread for like a week now and I need milk and vegetables. We lucked out and hit up the stores right after the supply boat came but before the other cruisers got up and moving!

The groceries were cool and all but on the way back I found some KITTENS!!!!!

Friendly little orange baby
Tiny tortoiseshell
2 little kittens were fighting with each other
Another cat under the dock!

Now that we’ve spent a few hours this morning running errands it’s time to get out of here and use what’s left of these northern winds to head south!