Spanish Cay was nice but we need to keep heading south to hopefully get to some nicer weather! The sail east was pretty straightforward and we had planned to stop at No Name Bay to anchor for the night however it was only early afternoon. Continuing further meant that we had to go out into the ocean to get around Whale Cay because it’s shallow on the inside. Sometimes this stretch can be pretty nasty but it was only a little rolly and went just fine for us. We even had some sunshine and a rainbow!

We sailed a few miles further and anchored at Fishers Bay on Great Guana Cay. We first tried to anchor pretty far up into the bay but realized the area has a few derelict mooring balls, concrete rubble, and old cables on the ground that you don’t want to pick up with an anchor.  We finally found a spot that was clear of that only to drop the anchor and realize that it was all shelf rocks that will snag the chain.  Begrudgingly we pulled the anchor up and move further back with all of the other boats.

Pretty sunset though!

The winds shifted as predicted overnight and the boat moved around in the waves quite a bit.  Still didn’t keep me from my coffee though!

New cup!

Due to the wind shift, we were now dealing with light winds behind the boat and since we made it over the Whale yesterday we had some extra time on our hands! Time to finally rig up and fly this spinnaker we splurge purchased!

It’s a little small but it works!
Cool shot with the Bahamas flag
There’s that clear water I’ve been looking for!

Stormy behind us though!

We made good progress with the spinnaker out. This boat keeps impressing me with how well it sails! I do wish our spinnaker was a cooler color than the standard red, white, and blue. Is it too much to ask for a hot pink one or something?

Our destination for today was Hope Town.  It’s an adorable little town with colorful houses and a large and sheltered bay full of mooring balls.  Surprisingly enough we motored through the cut just before our friend Rob on his boat. We will be spending a few days here due to yet another cold front but we should at least be able to get off the boat and wander around!