Jason and I had such a good time at the 18 Road trails yesterday that we decided to hit them up again and do some more of them!

Jason going down the big hill

I really should take more photos while biking, but… I didn’t! We were having too much fun to stop and dig my phone out of my backpack!

After we finished biking we headed back to drop the bikes off and drive down to Grand Junction to wander around downtown (looked at some shops but amazingly didn’t buy anything!) and get some epic tacos for lunch!

cool mural

I’ve been slacking on taking pictures lately, so we drove up to the Colorado National Monument to try to get some photos of the sunset! Unfortunately, I picked the day that a storm was rolling through and there was no sunset to speak of… but I did get some cool shots of the rain clouds! (these are just the ones from my phone… I haven’t uploaded my actual camera yet!)