It seems like we just played this game, but now that we’re in Florida finally it’s time to haul Onward back out of the water for storage during hurricane season.

We need to pull the mast out of the boat to replace the standing rigging (it’s original and not safe) so to prepare for that and the haul out, Jason and I removed all of the solar panels, bimini, dodger, and the boom!

She looks so sleek with nothing installed. Not very comfy though!
The boom wasn’t as big a deal as I thought it would be
Headed on in!
Kyle is up the mast setting it up for the crane to pull
It was nasty underneath. I’ll get that cleaned up later
The mast gets rolled to one of the unused docks
out of the water
that shallow draft though!
Her spot next to the shop
Ready for summer
Goodbye boat!

We still have a ton of work to do before we head to the Bahamas in the fall, but we’re going to take the summer off of boating and head back to Florida when it starts to get cold in Arkansas and then we can get to work!