We left the marina at Tilghman Island early in the morning right at sunrise. This would be my first time sailing the boat so I hope it goes ok!

Sails up!
Had my coffee already prepared!
It’s really cold here! I have so many layers of clothes on
Captain asleep at the wheel!
Did I mention it’s really cold? Fairly miserable honestly.
Jason made “pad thai” for dinner with ramen noodles and canned chicken. We don’t have a working fridge right now so this is all we’ve got
Sun going down
Jason is happy with his new toy

Nice sunset
Super bright moon rising

I learned today that the boat actually sails awesome. It’s only marginally slower than our catamaran, which I didn’t expect. We made great time south to Mobjock bay. It was a long day of sailing but we wanted to make it to Norfolk before a storm hit. We anchored in the dark in super calm glassy water and promptly went to sleep!