We just happened to be in Black Point when the Seven Seas Cruising Association had an unofficial gathering! One of the events was a walk-a-thon that we somehow thought would be a good idea but regretted the next morning because we had to wake up before the sun. The organizers knew what they were doing though because by the time we were done it was getting hot! The walk ended at Lorraine’s for a little buffet breakfast. The food in the Bahamas is nothing to write home about. We had tuna sandwiches, pineapple, and banana bread. I was hungry so it was all pretty good. We hadn’t had pineapple in forever! (They’re like $11 each down here!)

True north at sunrise
Moody shot.
View of the anchorage
Top of the hill
Pink clouds
View of the anchorage

Local kitten begging for the tuna sandwich

The boat carrying the food and supplies arrived last night but they were still unpacking and stocking the shelves so we went back to the boats for a few hours. After lunch we met back up with Erin and Kara to see about some groceries and walk around town a bit more!

Jason looking at boats
The color of the water doesn’t look real

Brown bananas don’t just turn into plantains…
Kara wanted to just bring this one home!
My cat is ridiculous
Did some more kayaking!

We had a great time in black point this time. Lots of fun activities and new friends!