We left Washington at the beginning of March and have been working on the boat ever since.  It’s now December and we’re finally done enough with the boat to be able to put it into the water and start our journey south!

To say I was excited would be an understatement!

Here comes the travellift!
Detail of the underside of the new swim step
Hey it fits!
All strapped in!
She’s flying!!!

After they got her hoisted up on the lift and the stands removed, they did some touch up on the bottom paint.  Then we had to wait a few agonizing hours for it to dry before they came back to actually put her in the water.

It’s go time!

We will never come back to this spot!

After a fairly uneventful half hour driving the lift around and slowly (but not as slow as you’d think, honestly) lowering her into the water we motored over to the other side of the dock and parked!

Now that we’re in the water, we can start systems testing and taking the boat out for little shakedown trips.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we can put our sails up soon!