The black rock desert in Nevada has quickly turned into one of our favorite spots to explore! It’s super remote, rugged, and beautiful! A few trips ago we were driving along some random gravel road and I literally saw cool rocks out the window and made Jason stop so I could pick them up! We’ve been stopping at the spot ever since (mostly because rocks…).  Last time we discovered that there was a drivable path up to the base of the hills with a flat spot and a campfire ring, so that was our destination for tonight!  The spot itself looks like nothing interesting at all… just a flat washout area with rocks and some small rolling hills away from the road.  The hills though are actually all kinds of colors that swirl around with valleys in between.  It’s a totally alien looking and unexpected landscape overlooking the stark white of the desert playa and huge mountain ranges on each side.  Painted hills that aren’t on any map!

Keeping with our goal to hike more, Jason and I found our dusty hiking boots and wandered around until we made it to the very top of the hills!

Wild horses on our drive out!

view from the top
top of the hill. Just more rocks!

Camp was warm and pleasant in the tent with a fantastic view of the sunset over the desert!

The Runner looking cool
Sitting at camp with a “C”. My friends who’ve been to Japan will recognize this one. Tastes like liquid smarties!

The sunrise the next morning was equally fantastic!