When we bought the boat almost all of the screens in the hatches were falling apart.  It wasn’t important and didn’t impact anything on the boat, but it just made her feel like a piece of crap.  Not only do I not want bugs able to just fly inside the boat, but I also want her to be a nice boat.  Hence…time to fix the screens.  As usual, Home Depot provided everything I needed and having never done anything with a screen I was able to pretty quickly figure it out. The broken dangling screens are now nice and tight! I was actually amazed at how big a difference such a little thing made.

In other news… I fixed some leaks in the boat! We had a terrible one flooding all of the overhead lights in the forward head and right above where my face is going to be in the bed! The source of that was located at an eye bolt up by the jib boom.  The hole was oval and worn out and leaking horribly.  I took the bolt out and stuffed sealant in there.  After a torrential downpour this afternoon the drain bucket I rigged up in the bedroom was completely dry.  Score! The other leak was located behind all of our electronics by the propane locker.  In preparation for leaving the boat for a few months during hurricane season I duct taped over a window that I knew leaked pretty bad inside the boat. Magically the leak that I had by the propane locker is now gone.  So that window is now first on my list of things to re-seal once I get time!