I’ve been talking about the custom arch we’re having built for the boat for a while now (still waiting on it…) *BUT* it occurred to us today that it will eventually bolt onto the back of our boat onto the teak cap rail where the lifeline stanchions bolted through previously…and it might be nice if that area was varnished before we went to install it.  So… instead of finishing any one of our other numerous projects, we started sanding the teak rails on the boat today! It took ALL DAY in the hot sun covered in sawdust.  I have a sunburn and I’m covered in golden powder, but the boat is going to look really really nice!

Before and after
Teak turns gold when sanded and looks fantastic under layers of varnish

We ran some errands and took a break for lunch.  When we finally made it back to the boat I started masking the edges and we filled some of the holes with epoxy or wood plugs.  However, a massive thunderstorm sprung up nearby and the freshly sanded rails shouldn’t get wet, so we switched gears and taped plastic over them in a panic with the lighting and thunder getting closer!

Can’t really see in the pic, but it’s going to be a nasty one…
worth a shot…

We’ll know tomorrow whether it worked or not! 🙂

I also got some other small things done in between other stuff.  I started working on the drawers and cabinet doors in the galley.

Second coats all around!
All the drawers have paint now!

One of the things I want to sew for the boat is a little shade tent that goes over the front part of the boat forward of the boom.  I’m still designing it, but in the meantime we put our dinghy’s outboard motor up on the deck and tied our gigantic tarp up there.  I like how it looks, but my final shade will be much more useful!

Not many pictures to show for how sore and dusty we are today, but we did get some amazing sushi for dinner!

Worth it! 🙂