While down in Nevada visiting my parents, Jason and I did probably more than our fair share of exploring around.  The closest big town is St. George, Utah and just outside town is Snow Canyon State Park.  We figured we might as well drive through and check it out.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s a very pretty place, but since it’s so accessible and close it was jam-packed with people and therefore not very appealing given the desolation that we were used to exploring.

Footprints to the climbing wall and slot canyon
Climbing wall. A few people were out playing!

The scenery was really nice with a lot of big red rock formations.  It would be a cool place to come back and explore on a weekday with less people since there are hiking trails all over the park.  However, my favorite part was the slot canyon because I love them!  It wasn’t very long to the end, but it was a really tall crack up the rock.