Storage on a sailboat is one of the most important things about it.  We’re going to be living here so we need room for all of our stuff and like 6 months worth of food and supplies!  Luckily, our boat has a TON of storage… I cleaned every single one of them when we came down to visit last fall and took everything off of the boat to clean and organize, but.. it’s been a while! We’re finally to the point now where I’m starting to put things away and finally turned my attention back to the various storage nooks in the boat.  A month or so ago I found like 75 plastic drainage tiles on craigslist and happily scooped them up!  It’s very easy for boats to get moldy and musty and one way to combat that is to allow airflow around all of your stuff.  The plastic tiles let air flow underneath the things you’re storing and keep them from rattling around on the hull as the boat moves.  I brought 2 armfuls of tiles to the boat to get started!

This is where I was messing with the water lines in the master bedroom

I’m standing up in here!
One Ashley per nook!

I even started stowing things away in their final locations! I have the big engine spares wrapped in plastic bags and bubble wrap up in the locker all the way forward in the bilge under the master bed. (it’s like a nook within a nook within a nook under a secret door!).  I decided to put the spare water filter, filter elements, and spare water pump in the same area as the water pump and distribution manifolds.

That’s all for now. Still room for a lot of bags of chips!

I also finished installing the second fan in the bedroom so now Jason and I both have our own fans and we don’t have to fight over them! 😉

This morning while I was working on finishing up the modifications I wanted to do to the potable water system in the forward head, Jason and Kyle were topside finishing tightening and tuning the rigging on the mast.  Now that that’s all done, we can put the boom back on!