The first thing Jason and I did this morning (after coffee, obviously) was to run to the post office to pick up a mystery package.  It was the last of the communication cables that Jason needed to finish the new electrical install! Huzzah!  Once we got to the boat, I puttered around doing whatever it is that I do and stayed out of Jason’s way while he finished running his cables.  After a string of unimpressed muttering, flipping of switches, and cursing, the system finally started to do things where blue lights blink and words scroll across screens.  I haven’t read any of the manuals for any of this stuff, so I’m not real sure what’s going on… but nothing caught fire so I’m ok with it.

We have blue filling the screen on the round thing
This requires a laptop to program! 😮

We had another delivery arrive at the apartment and I wanted food so we left before he really got it working well, but progress was made! Hopefully tomorrow we’ll be able to power up the boat and start turning things on and off.

Jason also got the new charger/inverter installed.  Previously it was out underneath the table which made it impossible to sit there.  Now it’s located in the nice little cabinet out of the way.

That cleared up a lot of space!
This is the old one… It’s huge.

My short term goal is to get the engine and engine nook completely finished.  I changed the fuel filter on the engine and all the filters in the external fuel filters.  Still need to fill the engine back up with oil (can’t forget that!) I got about halfway through zip tying all the wires back into place and mounting the lights before lunch, so I’ll get that done tomorrow.  I did get the air filter installed and the wiring done for the fuel polishing system (except I still need a switch to be able to finish it…) The engine is now completely hooked back up! 🙂

Shiny new starter because apparently they fail often
The air filter got painted also….