Our only goal for today is to finish the installation of the new electric toilet in the forward head.  We got a good start on it yesterday by running the main discharge line to the tank, locating the mounting brackets, and running the electrical wires.  Because it was so easy, I went ahead and hooked up the new cut out valve, tee, and water tubing to the existing fresh water supply from the old toilet.  We have a bidet ordered (we thought of this BEFORE the toilet paper apocalypse dangit!) and it’s not here yet, so I suppose this install won’t be truly finished until we install that piece of equipment.

Ready to go!

I used my tiny hands to route the wires through the bilge and up into the cabinet, but Jason took it from there and connected everything to the pump and controls on the toilet, from the main 12v supply from the panel, and to 2 junction blocks.  While he was working on that, I needed to make the mounting plate for the control switch.  Our boat originally had air conditioning (oh the luxury!) so there was a retired 3″ vent outlet right next to the toilet.  It was the exact spot I wanted to put the switch.  We removed the vent, but it left a hole much larger than the switch that came with the toilet.  Because we have so much other stuff to do on the boat, we didn’t want to wait on shipping to get the exact thing that we (*I*) wanted, so we headed over to Home Depot and came away with a large white electrical switch cover that was big enough to do the job!

Let’s improvise!

My dremel was literally rusted shut so I had to borrow one from Russ. They’re fantastic boat neighbors! Maybe someday I will have a tool THEY can borrow for a change…

Holes cut and drilled!

We still need actual bolts, not screws, to finish the switch install.

Done! It doesn’t look too bad.

Jason and I managed to get all of the hoses on the new toilet and get it bolted down on the foundation. All that’s left is cleaning up the wiring! That was my job because I’m anal and half my body fits inside the tiny cabinet.

All hidden behind the door. So sleek!

So, without further ado, here’s our shiny new toilet!

We had to rotate it a little bit because the base is much larger on this one than the old one that had more of a pedestal base.  It does overhang a bit, but that will get fixed hopefully soon when I get to do my head renovation.

By the time we were done it was in the 90’s outside, so we decided to not start anything new.  We moved the spare parts, supplies, and tools out of the aft head in preparation for tomorrow!

Way more room in here now…
This space is still VERY small! It’s going to be a long day…

Time for dinner and some well-deserved relaxation!