Jason and I were at the boat all morning pulling obsolete, dead ended, or otherwise useless wires from the aft/starboard cockpit locker, through the galley, and out of the main electrical panel.  We probably removed about a handful sized bundle of wires in total. This cleared up some much-needed space behind the panel!  Not very glamorous or otherwise interesting work so I only took a few pictures of today’s efforts! While I was sitting in the locker waiting for Jason to finish his part in the galley I also removed the old autopilot hydraulic ram since we’re replacing it with a bigger and better one! (yay, multitasking!)

Hard to get a sense of scale here, but this is one of those lawn and garden bags and it’s about half full of old wires.
This is the autopilot ram. It attaches to the steering shaft.

We had a pretty easy day today since it’s Saturday. Once it got hot outside we decided it was ok to head home.

After doing some chores and going on a walk I started cleaning up the boxes we have laying around the apartment.  Since we’re on the first floor people can see in through the windows easily.  I made my own curtains with some beach sarongs and those removable stick on hooks.

Only the finest window coverings. We’re classy people.
The dining room is storage for boat parts. We don’t have friends here, so why bother with a dining table…

We still need to empty out the trailer we used to move and then start chipping away at all of the stuff we put into the storage unit when we cleaned the boat out a few months ago! That boat will fit a LOT of cargo.  I think I’m more worried about being able to bring so much crap that I lose track of it than I am about not having enough storage!