Since I moved, I now conveniently live roughly 5 minutes away from Debbie!  She came over the other day to hang out and take some pictures.  We had one location at the house totally planned out, but she brought multiple outfits and we ended up shooting the other one in random places in and around the house!

I actually forgot there’s a graffiti wall in my backyard…

There’s also a fence

A shoot using the fence and the neighbor’s shed as a background
I even like the sunlight peeking through in the corner

This is the neighbor’s fence. We liked the textured red as a background!
and of course I had to put something in front of my camera lens to blur things a bit

After getting bored of the backyard we went around front and got some shots with Debbie’s truck
this low afternoon lighting is fantastic!
I got lower to show more of the blue sky

Some person’s garage door down the street that I’ve been eyeing!
Random landscaping. If you move around a bit, you can usually find a spot where you can isolate your subject and not have random crap in the background!