Earlier in the summer Stephanie and I were bored one weekend and hit up Port Orchard for a random street photoshoot. The overcast skies made for lovely diffused lighting which, to me, is boring.  We worked through it and found some really awesome new spots to shoot to make up for the lack of dynamic lighting!

I love reflections on sunglasses
Her red hair looks great with black and white
I really wanted to make the green wall and power meters work!
I see this car downtown a lot. It’s hilarious and we had to pose with it!
Shooting through these stair railings was awesome!
Love the composition on this one!
This location is very very popular for senior portraits. Hard to make it look original.
I climbed on top to get a unique angle
too cool for school

One thing that I love about shooting for fun like this is that I can try really creative, oddball things (like climbing on top of a chunk of concrete). I think it makes for unique photos. Gotta keep pushing boundaries!