You wouldn’t know it by the photos but this awesome glam shoot with Stephanie was made with the help of 20′ of green bubble wrap that came to my garage protecting some bicycles.  Stephanie came over to mess around in the garage studio while I muttered angrily at my lights (happens every time..) and I saw the wrap and had to do it.  I added some little LED “fairy lights” under the bubblewrap for dramatic effect.

It also helps that Stephanie is just gorgeous! FYI, the black hair is a wig, but she’s thinking about dying her hair now because of it!

It was going to be hard to top the bubble wrap shoot above, but we wanted to keep playing, so I dragged a painting downstairs and shot through a coffee filter to make the white around the edges.

and here’s a basic beauty shot with her red hair!

We had a blast just messing around! Can’t wait to shoot with her again! Or, like, go get coffee or something.