Boyd cave is a lava tube located just outside Bend, Oregon.  We had planned to go there on our way back from somewhere and then we all completely forgot.  After sitting around on the sofa for a while we realized our mistake, piled back into the truck and drove out of town a ways.  There’s not really a “hike” to the cave as it’s just down a short way from where you park.

We didn’t go in very far at all!
The main cave entrance
inside the cave
Rashell for scale
Rashell in a creepy dark tunnel!
Another shot of what the cave looks like in general

We usually go places like this super prepared, but this time it was a rushed spur of the moment thing.  I didn’t even have a flashlight.. I had my iphone light and my camera flash gear. We did use that to make some pretty cool images though!

Jason is hiding back there with my remote flash!
Another view
Lights and shapes
I love caves!
View back to the main part

This was the first time I had been there fairly late in the day.  I had no idea that the low angle of the sun as it started to move down the horizon would allow it to filter into the entrance to the cave.  Rashell threw some dirt into the air, which lit up the beams of light.  It was magical.

warm light