We just keep adding filler and sanding it off it seems.  However the camper shell and roof are starting to actually look pretty nice.

Cleaned up the filler on the inside from the other day
Sanded the roof
Put some more on! 😉

We also finished up a few smaller tasks like drilling the holes for the door frame and making sure the windows fit.  The big window is going to need a spacer. Luckily we have marine plywood laying around.  That shouldn’t take too long to whip up.


It’s also been feeling a lot like Christmas over here… We ordered a ton of stuff from Amazon recently and it’s started pouring in… I didn’t get pictures of most of the little stuff, but I do have some.

This is our water “tank”. It’s a bag that the water goes in. Ponder that for a while.

We also got this mysterious looking box straight from China!

Thats interesting…. wonder what it is?!

Our HEATER came in!!!! 🙂 That’s right… one of our main reasons for building the camper in the first place is because we’re sick and tired of waking up in the morning and being cold.  We had a diesel powered Webasto heater in our little sailboat and loved it.  The budget didn’t allow for name brand for the camper, but we found this kit on Amazon from a rando Chinese company for a great price. It included everything, including a fuel tank that will mount nicely on the wall outside the camper! Obviously more info on this setup later…

It’s so little!