Monkey point was already on my list of snorkel locations, however we also got a local recommendation that it was a hot spot.  That moved it from “option” to “must see”! We weren’t disappointed. 😉

Monkey Point is located in the south of Guana Island and it has a magical, white sand beach where you can unwind after exploring the aquarium like waters. Nice walls and smaller rocky formations make the dive very captivating; they are also home to smaller fish and invertebrates that decided to hide here.

Explore the small caves, try to identify as many fish species as possible as this site is full of colorful fish. Bluestriped grunts and yellowtail snappers, yellow jacks, cuttlefish and friendly turtles will surround you in these blue waters; some of the fish are so used to visitors that they will let you touch them.

Guana island! We anchored and swam from the boat.
A huge tarpon that I couldn’t fit in the frame!
concerned little blue fish
school of tiny fish
this little school of blue fish swim around and swarm around coral to feed and then move on as a group.
some sort of worm thing
Another blue fish. They’re just curious enough to be easy to shoot.
yellow fish with some sort of parasite on it’s side.
pair of butterfly fish
butterfly fish

Usually these are hard to shoot, but not these.

In addition to fish (and a single lurking shark), this area was also full of colorful flamingo tongue snails.  They’re close to the surface and don’t swim away, so it was open season for photographing them!